Come join us at the 25th Annual Conscious Life Expo featuring hundreds of leaders in the transformation of the world. Marilyn and ZaZar will offer free workshops.
Gather together to not only feel ZaZar's beautiful and magical presence, but to hear new updates about the fifth dimensional Ascension journey, the recently opened 2025 gateway, and the increased galactic presence on our planet.
Join us for a full day workshop and cosmic ride with ZaZar. This is a wonderful opportunity to gather together to not only to feel his presence, but to hear his teachings about the 2025 cosmic gateway and Earth's Ascendancy into the 5th Dimension. Learn about the new human blueprint that is being downloaded and…
ZaZar will present more in-depth wisdom about light technology and being the new human, and will answer questions and guide us on a powerful cosmic journey.
ZaZar leads us on beautiful meditative experiences into the very core of our Soul Magnificence, igniting the fires of transformation and Ascension energies.