The Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision
The Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision (SEV) is a global teaching and heart-centered community dedicated to bringing the new template of human cosmic consciousness to Earth and its inhabitants. SEV was created by three visionary women passionately dedicated to the Ascension Mission … creating a space and time for the emergence of the New Human in a Fifth Dimensional Paradigm.
The teachings are based on the channeled cosmic wisdom of ZaZar, a Sixth Dimensional extraterrestrial ascended being. Marilyn channels ZaZar, and together they lovingly offer life-changing guidance and multi-dimensional experiential teachings that enliven our magnificence and sacred mission. Come join us for the ride of a lifetime!

Bringing Cosmic Wisdom And High Heart Energies To Earth.
"It Is Time For You To Realize That Your Creative Consciousness Is The Grand Master Alchemist For Your Own Metamorphic Self-revolution.” ZaZar