The Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision (SEV) is committed to birthing the New Human consciousness and increasing awareness of our multidimensional selves. It is our belief that many of us have come here to remember and feel the truth of our Star Missions and Cosmic Heritage. We are light beings in a human incarnation, bringing forth unlimited universal frequencies to stimulate and accelerate the Ascension process on Earth. We provide services that act like a tuning fork to resonate with the deeper higher self, enticing our cosmic blueprints to awaken, be felt and be known. We bring the Light Echoes from beyond in order to experience and manifest our higher consciousness and the illuminated heart. We all have a part to play as we allow our unique fractals of light to vibrate into action the mosaic of our destiny paths to know and live Fifth Dimensional realities. This evolutionary shift is unprecedented in human history. “The shift” will definitely rock our world, and so we at SEV have created a safe, loving environment to stay centered, united and open so that we might better incorporate and experience these amazing transformational journeys. Come join us!
At SEV, we are inspired by these beliefs:

“The only problem is staying with this higher cosmic self-realization. The only solution is staying with this higher cosmic self-realization." ~ZaZar~
My initial Meditative Experiential Journey with ZaZar was a life-changing experience, as if waking from a dream and seeing reality for the first time! In a flash, I intuitively knew that it had taken lifetime upon lifetime to arrive at this point and this connection with ZaZar was crucial for soul advancement.
Magical, mystical and absolutely unique, the multi-dimensional ZaZar collapses partitions between this world and the cosmic realms. ZaZar's channeled transmissions provide valuable insight into the truth of Life and Love, while encouraging expansive thought, creative imagination and personal empowerment.
ZaZar's guided meditations perfectly describe the indescribable and deliver a beautiful connection with ethereal dimensions.
ZaZar is now a significant extension of my life, providing guidance and wisdom teachings instrumental to my soul's journey, an inner nurturing of sorts during a time of rapid progression towards manifesting my highest potential. In seeking the essence of Life and Love, I have realized that which is most important in life to be love. Thank you, ZaZar. Thank you, Marilyn, for the All of You.
- Karen M
Finding the Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision is like coming home … to be accepted totally for who I am, to be honored for the information that I have within is so fulfilling. Through the teachings of ZaZar, I have learned to drop the façade of not being enough and step more fully into my magnificent self. The Sanctuary is a place where you can drop the veils of who you’ve been told you are and become who you truly are ... a place where you can remember your mission as a bringer of light. The sanctuary is my home, the people in this community my family. I now stand in my own magnificence together with a group of like-minded light workers, who create a circle of such tremendous light that it passes out into the universe and creates a galactic wave of love, light, harmony and oneness.
- Suzi
What I experienced coming to the Sanctuary for the first time was a group of beautiful, open-hearted, nonjudgmental people, gathered not for just the purpose of learning about and exploring the cosmos with a sixth dimensional being named ZaZar, but also exploring their inner galaxies and growing a true love connection with one another. A connection that looks beyond who we are here and out toward the beautiful fifth dimensional beings we are all becoming. To experience this with ZaZar, our teacher, and this loving community of people here on Earth has been life-changing for me. I am no longer the person that arrived on the Sanctuary doorstep several years ago. I know now that I am much more than that. My eyes have been opened to a beautiful, expanded world that I will never stop exploring.
- Carole